2016 Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Boston
IAS-Sponsored Session

Non-figurative disegno in the Italian Renaissance: Construction, Heuristics, and Theory of the Object

Hynes Convention Center Level Two, 207
Saturday, April 2, 2016, 8:30-10:00am

Organizers: Sabina de Cavi, Universidad de Córdoba, and Pietro Roccasecca, Accademia di Belle Arti, Rome

Chair: Sheryl E. Reiss, Italian Art Society

Respondent : Gail Feigenbaum, Getty Research Institute.


Pietro Roccasecca, Accademia Belle Arti Roma
“Disegno: The Intersection of Representation and Knowledge”
Sabina de Cavi, Universidad de Córdoba
“Early Modern Theory of Linear Drawing in Italy and Spain: the Pre-history of Design”
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