2019 International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI
IAS-Sponsored Session

Session II: The Sala Magna’s Ceiling in Context: Medieval Painted Ceilings in the Mediterranean Xth-XIVth century

Sangren 1710
Friday May 10, 1:30pm- 3pm

Organizer: Licia Buttà, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona

Presider: Vera Segre, Univ. de Lausanne

The session aims to discuss the singularity of the Sala Magna as compared to other painted ceilings in the Mediterranean region. Recently an increasing number of medieval painted ceilings have been studied. The wooden roofs in the territories of the ancient Crown of Aragon or the rich Sicilian heritage in its Arab-Norman declination merely confirm the need of looking at the decoration of these artefacts as vehicles for the circulation and transmission of a Mediterranean visual culture.


Lev Kapitaikin, Tel Aviv Univ.
"Distanced Visions of Starry Palaces and Heavenly Ceilings in Islamic Mediterranean from the Tenth to Thirteenth Century"
Maria del Mar Valls Fusté, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona
"Behind the imaginary of painted ceilings from the Kingdom of Valencia: seeking links between sense, space and context"
Maud Pérez-Simon, Univ. de Paris 3, Sorbonne Nouvelle
"Text and images in medieval painted ceilings"
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