2019 International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI
IAS-Sponsored Session

Session III: The Sala Magna’s Ceiling in Context: Medieval Painted Ceilings in XVth century Italy

Sangren 1710
Friday May 10, 3:30pm-5pm

Organizer and Presider: Licia Buttà, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona


Roberta Aglio, Biblioteca e Museo del Seminario Vescovile di Cremona
"Circulation and transmission of models in the Lombard ceilings during the late Middle Age and the Renaissance"
Vera Segre, Univ. de Lausanne
"Classical world, chivalric epic and Christian Virtues in a XVth century painted ceiling under the Sforza Duchy"
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