May 26, 2018
Giulio de’ Medici was born in Florence on 26 May 1478.

August 27, 2017
On 27 August 410 the three-day Sack of Rome by the Visigoths ended, though not, of course, the life of the city.

August 12, 2016
After the sack of Rome of 1527, the Florentine overthrew to the ruling Medici family and established a short-lived Republic.

July 17, 2016
On 17 July 1204 the Venetian naval fleet broke through the sea wall fortifications of Constantinople, setting the city on fire and marking the conclusion of an episode of the Fourth Crusade .

September 25, 2015
Pope Clement VII, a key player in the historical and artistic events of the High Renaissance, died on 25 September 1534 in Rome.

November 14, 2014
Rosso Fiorentino Died on 14 November 1540 at Fontainebleau.

May 6, 2014
The Sack of Rome began on this day in 1527, during the pontificate of the second Medici pope, Clement VII (r. 1523-34) .

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