May 4, 2017
Monumental Mausoleum to Become New Magnet for Rome’s Visitors New outlets are reporting that the Mausoleum of Augustus will soon be restored and reopened as a historical attraction.

October 30, 2016
Julia, the only child of Octavian (later Augustus Caesar) was born on 30 October in 39 BCE.

May 24, 2016
Jubilation for the Julio-Claudians: ancient Roman general Germanicus was born on 24 May in the year 15 BCE.

October 13, 2015
13 October 54 CE: “That Claudius was poisoned is the general belief, but when it was done and by whom is disputed” (Suetonius, The Lives of the Caesars , originally published 121 CE).

July 15, 2015
The Tempio dei Dioscuri was dedicated on 15 July 484 BCE (the Ides of July) as thanks for the Roman victory at the Battle of Lake Regillus.

March 18, 2015
Caligula was named emperor by the Roman Senate on 18 March 37 CE.

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