Conferences & Lectures - CAA

Location: Chicago

The IAS hosted two sessions, as well as its annual business meeting at the 102nd CAA Annual Conference in Chicago.

Business Meeting
Friday, February 14, 2014, 7:30–9:00 AM
Hilton Chicago, 3rd Floor, Williford A&B

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Sessions Sponsored by the Italian Art Society

Session Title: Futuro Anteriore: Cultural Self-Appropriation as Catalyst in the Art of Italy
Hilton Chicago, 3rd Floor, Williford A&B
Friday, February 14, 2014, 12:30–2:00pm
Organizers and Chairs: Irina D. Costache, and Alison L. Perchuk, California State University, Channel Islands
J. Nicholas Napoli, Pratt Institute, "Fanzago and Antiquity: The Universal Claims of Neapolitan Baroque Classicism"
Laura Moure Cecchini, Duke University, "Adolfo Wildt and the Reimagining of Baroque Sculpture during Fascism"
Yvonne Elet, Vassar College, "Reinterpreting Raphael in Fascist Rome"
Meta Marija Valiusaityte, Freie Universität Berlin/Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, "Gino Severini's Return to Italianità"

Session Title: Periodization Anxiety in Italian Art: Renaissance, Baroque, or Early Modern?
Hilton Chicago, 3rd Floor, Williford A&B
Thursday, February 13, 2014, 9:30am–12:00pm
Organizers and Chairs: Frances Gage, Buffalo State, State University of New York, and Eva Struhal, Université Laval
C. Jean Campbell, Emory University, "Late Medieval, Early Modern and Vasari’s First Age"
Itay Sapir, Université du Québec à Montreal (UQAM), "The Repressed Watershed: 1600, The Early Modern and the Moderne"
Estelle Lingo, University of Washington, Seattle, "Sculpture, Rupture, and the 'Baroque'"
Claire Farago, University of Colorado, Boulder, "Troubling Time: When is Art Italian?"

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