December 25, 2016
As foretold in Isaiah’s prophesy about the Messiah (Isaiah 1:3) and recounted in the Gospels, Christ’s life on earth began in a stable in Bethlehem.

December 10, 2016
On 11 December 361, Julian Arrived in Constantinople as Sole Emperor of the Roman Empire.

October 29, 2016
On 29 October, 312, Constantine the Great entered Rome after his victory at the Milvian Bridge on the previous day.

October 28, 2016
October 28 is the feast day of Saints Simon and Jude (also known as Thaddeus).

October 23, 2016
Today is the feast day of San Giovanni da Capestrano (Kapisztrán János in Hungarian).

September 30, 2016
September 30 marks the Feast of St Jerome, and is the date of the his death in 420 AD.

August 28, 2016
The 28th of August is the Feast Day of St. augustine of Hippo (354-430), from whom several Roman Catholic and Anglican orders take their name.

July 22, 2016
Today, 22 July, is the feast day of St Mary Magdalene, one of Christianity’s most important saints.

June 24, 2016
Today, June 24th, is the Feast Day of St. John the Baptist.

March 30, 2016
Santa Maria Antiqua Reopens

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