February 10, 2016
Luigi Colombo, who went by the Futurist pseudonym Fillia (his mother’s maiden name), died of tuberculosis on 10 February 1936 at only 31 years of age.

January 29, 2016
The first architectural manifesto of Futurism appeared in print on 29 January 1914, in the Roman newspaper Il piccolo giornale d’Italia, with the title “Futurist Architecture Too…and What is It?” (“Anche l’architettura futurista…e che è?”).

January 13, 2016
For fans of Futurism: Critic Holland Cotter of the New York Times reviewed today an exhibition of Italian modernist art, entitled “Painting in Italy 1910s-1950s: Futurism, Abstraction, Concrete Art,” on display at the Sperone Westwater Gallery in New York.

June 17, 2015
Enrico Prampolini died on 17 June 1956 in Rome, at age 62.

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