March 12, 2017
Painter, collagist, and designer Alberto Burri was born 12 March 1915 in Città di Castello, Umbria.

March 10, 2017
On 10 March 1453, Italian painter Neri di Bicci began a diary, or ricordanza , in which he noted all the daily activities associated with his workshop through 24 April 1475.

March 4, 2017
Fra’ Galgario (or Fra’ Vittore del Galgario), a Late Baroque portrait painter, born Giuseppe Vittore Ghislandi, was born on 4 March 1655 in Bergamo.

February 12, 2017
Mario Mafai, who with his wife Antonietta Raphaël was one of the central figures of a group of artists called the Scuola di Via Cavour, was born 12 February 1902 in Rome, where he lived and worked for much of his life until his death there in 1965.

February 11, 2017
Filadelfo Simi, painter, was born in Versilia (Tuscany) on 11 February 1849.

February 4, 2017
Called by some “Italia’s last Old Master,” painter Pompeo Batoni died 4 February 1787 in Rome.

November 6, 2016
Andy Warhol and Pop Society at Palazzo Ducale in Genoa Pop Society , a retrospective of some of Andy Warhol’s instantly recognizable as well as not-as-well-known work opened at Genova’s Palazzo Ducale in late October and runs through February 2017.

October 21, 2016
Roman vedutista (view painter) Giovanni Paolo Panini died on 21 October 1765.

September 30, 2016
30: the number of “stones” in Alberto Magnelli’s first solo exhibition, Thirty Stones at the Pierre Loeb Gallery, Paris, 1934 Born in Florence on July 1, 1888, Alberto Magnelli taught himself to paint by studying the great works of the Florentine Renaissance: Masaccio, Paolo Uccello , Andrea del Castagno and Piero della Francesca.

July 17, 2016
Painter and sculptor Aligi Sassu was born in Milan on 17 July 1912.

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